When it comes to roofing, shingles and roll roofing are both popular choices. Shingles are a classic option and have been used for centuries. They are easy to install and durable, and there are many options available to fit any style, budget, and climate. Roll roofing, on the other hand, is easy to use, more affordable, and simple to maintain. Although shingles tend to be more popular among homeowners, they are not as long-lasting as rolled roofing.

Roll roofing is less durable than shingles

Compared to shingles, roll roofing has a shorter life expectancy than shingles. A 100-square-foot roll of rolled roofing can fit into the trunk of an SUV, making it easy to transport during construction. While rolled roofs made from EDMP or Bitumen can last up to 20 years, other common types only last five to eight years. In addition, roll roofing only comes in black or white, which can be an issue if you're trying to match the color scheme of your home to the rest of the exterior.

Roofing is an important component of your home, and if you don't want to replace shingles every few years, roll roofing may be your best bet. Unlike shingles, roll roofing has a more uniform surface and won't expand or contract as your house ages. Because it comes in sealed units, roll roofing is easy to install by a DIYer. However, because of the weight of roll roofing, you'll have to do a professional job to replace your shingles.

It is easier to install

There are a few key differences between shingle and roll roofing. Both can be installed over existing roofing materials. Shingles are easier to install and may cost up to four dollars per square foot. Roll roofing, on the other hand, is cheaper per square foot and easier to apply. Both roofing materials do not increase resale value and require fewer materials. This article will outline the major differences between roll and shingle roofing, as well as the pros and cons of each.

When putting up roll roofing, start by laying out the first layer, overlapping it by four inches, and nailing it in place. Next, place another sheet of roll roofing, overlapping it by four inches. Then, use a chalk line to mark the top of the next sheet. Once the first layer of roll roofing is installed, place the next course 32 inches above the first one and nail the two layers together.

It is less expensive

The main advantage of roll roofing over shingles is cost. It costs much less to install and has a low resale value. But, this type of roofing should only be used on unoccupied structures like sheds, garages, and outbuildings. In addition, it is easier to remove than shingles. The downside to rolled roofing is that it can leak on flat roofs. You may also encounter problems with leakage if you have a flat roof and hammer-down rolled roofing.

Compared to shingles, roll roofing is less expensive per square foot. It is also quicker to install. In addition, a 100 square-foot roll of roll roofing can fit in an SUV trunk. Roofing calculators allow you to input the building's square footage and slope, and will estimate the amount of material needed to cover the roof. For example, a 1,000 square-foot detached garage will need around 1,050 square feet of material, and an additional 50 square feet for trimming.

It is unattractive compared to shingles

Roll roofing has a few cons, however. Among them is the lack of variety. In addition to being unattractive, rolled roofs don't last as long as shingles do. They also detract from the resale value of a home. Roll roofing also doesn't look as attractive as shingles, and is not permitted in many gated communities.

When comparing shingles and roll roofing, the first consideration is the slope of the roof. Slope is the ratio of the vertical rise to the horizontal run. In general, the higher the first number, the steeper the roof is. However, if the slope is between 2:12 and 4:12 it falls into the low-slope category and makes a good candidate for roll roofing. The second consideration is the cost. Asphalt shingles tend to be a bit more expensive than roll roofing.